Friday, February 15, 2013

An Update on Gigi

Hello everyone.
Genvieve is doing ok, and her lungs are doing great. These past few days have been pretty hard for her though. She had to go under general anesthesia again to get her vocal cord repaired, and it has made her groggy and also has caused some additional pain, as well as made her feel more congested. Basically there are a million procedures a day that require poking and prodding, and she is already exhausted. Hopefully she will get to eat soon so that she can get some nutrition and enjoyment. All said, her new lungs are doing really well. She walked 20 laps on Tuesday which is amazing! Please send some good vibes and happy energy this way.


  1. Very proud of her! How about the coughing, has that subsided a bit with 2.0?

  2. Thank you for all the updates... Tell Gigi I'm taking her to an Indian buffet as soon as she completes 30 laps!


  3. We are so proud of you Gigi!!

  4. Slackwater sends love and are in our thoughts everyday.
