Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's me!

Keeping it short and simple.
I had a good day. All my tests results are good so far. My pain is under control and I did two walks. The second walk this afternoon went really well - probably bc i had the best support group my mom, dad, bro, sisinlaw and of course my nephew Everett. It meant so much to get to see him! I felt good on my walk and walked much further than anyone expected.
I can't eat or drink anything so I'm starving. I'm hoping they will let me eat a little tmrw after another test. They started my feeding tube this afternoon but they are running it so slowly it hardly adds anything. But everything is going in the right direction so I'm very very very happy.
Maybe I will get out of ICU tmrw. That would be nice. A quieter room.
Ok that's its. Pain meds make me groggy. Thanks again for all the support! I'm surrounded by wonderful caring people!!

Sent from my iPhone


  1. Gigi... We know you will get better by the minute.
    Lots of love from the Mejia family.

  2. Gigi, I totally remember being starving and parched. That first ice chip is so nice. I am so proud of you for walking like a champ. You'll be in step down in no time. Keep up the awesome work.

    Your friend, Tricia

  3. I second Tricia's comment. Once they get your tf rate up, you'll feel better. I honestly didn't feel hungry, just thirsty. Good luck on you tests! We are cheering for ya! I have my Nissen on Wed, so I'll find you on the 3rd floor. Keep your head high and proud .... You are doing great!

  4. Hi Gigi!! So happy to read about your progress on here. Everything seems to be working out the way it should be. Keep strong on your healing process. You are one tough cookie :) Much love going your way.

  5. Slackwater is in full regalia! So great to hear things are going so well. Now that you're up and walking....and not to break out for sushi just yet. :)

  6. Hi Gigi. We used to work together a few years back at Ascend. I just want to say how happy I am to hear you've had your op! Wow! Such great news. I wish you all the very best. You're an inspiration.
    Fiona (Benharoosh)

  7. Hola Gigi.... Thinking of you.
    Hoping you are doing ok with those new lungs
    Love from the Mejia Family

  8. Hi Gigi,

    Thinking of you! I hope the rest of the week has been going as well as it was on Sunday.


    Kim Wilson
